Training Course "EmPOWERment: working peer to peer"
2 November- 9 November 2011
Location: Padova (Italy)
Arrival day: November 2th 2011
Departure day: November 9th 2011
100% food and lodging provided
50% of travel costs refunded
This Training Course is the second phase of the Long Term Project "Through Empowerment to Inclusion: tools and methods of non formal education for so-defined minority youth", supported by the Youth in Action Programme European Union and organized by Ufficio Progetto Giovani Comune di Padova (Italy).
Who can participate: youth leaders, trainers, peer educators, youth workers and multipliers preferably working with young people belonging to so-defined minorities or wanting to work with this target and also people being themselves part of such minorities
We welcome interested participants from Italy, Germany, The Netherlands, Romania and Sweden.
Aim: the Training Course "EmPOWERment 2011: working peer to peer" aims at letting the participants achieve experiences of planning and holding a session, workshop, or discussion, on the themes of:
- empowerment,
- non- discrimination
- inclusion
How do we work: we use non-formal learning approach (interactive, learning by doing, support & exchange, sharing and learning from each other) and active methods (open discussions, role plays, simulations, creative expressions, person-to-person interaction, etc)
These peer-to-peer activities will foster youth emancipation and empowerment, enabling participants to multiply what they have learned to other young people with whom they work. The overall idea is that youth leaders, trainers, peer educators, youth workers and multipliers can work more effectively with disempowered young people if they have themselves used, digested and discussed the methods they will use.
Participants will be in touch with the team of expert trainers before the beginning of the TC, in order to better prepare for the TC.
During the TC we will also discuss topics related to the development of leadership skills, benefits and opportunities within the Youth in Action Program, and other European funds (Leonardo Program, Erasmus for young Entrepreneurs, etc.). These possibilities are considered important tools in order to achieve emancipation, autonomy, empowerment, inter-generational dialogue and social change within the minority communities as well as to promote relations between minority youngsters and "the society at large" (including other minority youth, "majority" youth, Institutions, etc).
For the participants who complete a minimum of 80% of the TC it will be also issued the Youth Pass certificate (
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