martedì 27 settembre 2011

[casaleattiva] No Shell on the Shelf @ Nicosia, Cyprus

Nuova opportunità di training e seminari in Europa.
Sono rivolti a giovani ed adulti (che lavorano o intendono lavorare con giovani) e sono occasioni importanti di sviluppo personale, apprendimento, e possibilità di conoscere e stabilire relazioni con altri partecipanti da tutti Europa e creare propri progetti e partnership.
Il vitto e alloggio, e i costi del 70-80% del viaggio, solitamente sono rimborsati dalle Agenzie Nazionali organizzatrici.
Se sei interessato a partecipare e non fai parte di alcuna organizzazione, contatta

shell on the shelf: a tool for promoting social inclusion Friends!


How would you like to be a participant in an exciting European Training Course, which will help you become more aware of how certain minorities, groups or individuals are socially excluded on the basis of their status, life choices or beliefs and help you to take a stand against racism and social exclusion? The TC will also focus on the concept and methodology of Human Library and will include the implementation of a HL with the participants' involvement. The participants will then undertake the commitment of registering themselves as official HL organizers and organize at least one HL in their own country.


Casella di testo: Dates	25 – 30 October 2011 
Place	Nicosia, Cyprus
Title	No shell on the shelf: a tool for promoting social inclusion
Participants	16 participants (Cyprus, Spain, Portugal, Italy)
Before you decide, have a look at the information below:




Cyprus Youth Council (CYC)

Cyprus Youth Council is a union of 51 non-governmental Youth Organizations (full and associated members) of Cyprus. It enacted its function in 1996. CYC is a non profit organization based on volunteerism and also an active full member of the European Youth Forum and other international youth forums. Its main aims are, among others, to promote the dialogue and communication among NGYOs, to offer a representative framework for the member organizations, to develop initiatives, implement actions, exchange information and experiences and develop a dialogue in issues that affect youth, to develop European Identity and Consciousness among Cyprus youth, to empower youth participation in social and cultural life, to facilitate and promote active citizenship and to promote the recognition of Non Formal Education and NGYOs by the state and the public. Since 2009 CYC has its own Pool of Trainers, consisting of 35 young trainers specializing in NFE. For more information visit our website:


AEGEE is a non-profit organization of youth European people with common ideas aiming at creating a new youth culture more European, tolerant, diverse and united. AEGEE is the biggest youth organization of Europe and is supported by European Commission, Council of Europe and UN.

AEGEE-Coruña operates as a delegate of this big organization. We work mainly with foreign students (Erasmus, Leonardo etc) in Coruña offering them a complete list of leisure time activities: trips, parties, cultural tours, dinners etc. In this way our work is directed to creating an original intercultural atmosphere where young people are able to break all the prejudices and exchange views in a creative way. All this activities are organized by a small volunteer staff of 15 members in weekly meetings leaded by a president and a general secretary. AEGEE-Coruña is composed in this course (2010/2011) for more than 40 active members and a lot of collaborators. For more information visit our website:


Associação Operação Vida

Associação Operação Vida is a youth, non profit and private organization. Its main goals are promoting activities concerning the prevention of drug use among young people. It was created in 2003, and since then many young people have become members of this active organization in the youth field. We organize activities with and for young people concerning the prevention of drug use and the promotion of healthy lifestyles, on local and national level, through youth exchanges, youth initiatives, walks, trainings, etc.


Servizio Civile Internationale

SCI Italy is an Italian NGO active in the field of youth work, voluntary service and development education. SCI is a member of peace worldwide movements. SCI counts almost 1000 members every year. It organizes activities and campaigns for the promotion of peace, international solidarity, mutual and cultural understanding. It co-operates with other SCI branches and with other partner organizations from 70 countries around the world. Among its other activities, SCI promotes national and international voluntary activities in different fields. The main activities of SCI are its workcamps that contribute in supporting communities by bringing together volunteers. At the same time, these workcamps offer opportunities to experience an alternative way of life based on peace, justice, human rights, global values, appreciation and respect of different cultures and development of new life skills. For more information visit our website:



No shell on the shelf: a tool for promoting social inclusion is a European training course aiming at increasing the level of awareness of young people regarding social exclusion, racism, stereotypes and prejudice and how these affect the life of certain minorities, social groups or individuals that may differ from the majority of the society they live in. The training course will help the participants to develop their intercultural understanding and communication skills, empathy and respect towards any human being. At the same time, the TC will encourage the participants to become more active in the combating of racism and social exclusion and will present them the concept of the Human (Living) Library as a tool for promoting tolerance, empathy and mutual understanding. Also, this project will contribute to the partners' long term objectives to promote the use of NFE with other stakeholders concerned with youth and strengthen the partnerships at the local and regional level. 


The project:

·         promotes young people's active citizenship in general and their European citizenship in particular;

·         develops solidarity and promote tolerance among young people, in particular in order to foster social cohesion in the European Union;

·         fosters mutual understanding between young people in different countries;

·         promotes European cooperation in the youth field.


VENUES: Nicosia, Cyprus



The training will be based on non-formal education methods, encouraging active participation of young people involved.

·         Ice-breakers, energisers, group-building games

·         Simulations

·         Role plays

·         Intercultural and experiential learning

·         Brainstorming and discussions both in working groups and in plenary

·         Inputs from experts



The working language of the training course will be English.



The training course is funded by the European Programme Youth in Action. All costs related to accommodation and nutrition and 70% of travel costs (cheapest way) from the resident country will be covered by this funding. All participants will be refunded after the completion of the training course, provided that they will send all their original documents (receipts of the air ticket, boarding pass, invoices of credit card used for buying the tickets for online payments, tickets from the shuttle from and to the airport etc) to the organizers in time. The eligible countries are:



Limits for travel costs


€ 750


€ 0


€ 400


€ 750




(Gender balance and group diversity will be taken into consideration).

·         Are over 18 years old

·         Are youth leaders highly motivated to contribute in the work of their sending organisation

·         Are committed to attend for the full duration of the training

·         Have a keen interest in the topic

·         Are willing to learn & motivated to share experience with others after the event

·         Are able to work in English

·         Are nominated by their youth organisation

·         Are willing to organize and stage at least one Human Library event in their country. 



In order to apply, candidates must send completed application form to their sending organization, which will nominate the participants and contact the Cyprus Youth Council. Participants will be selected on the basis of their applications. Balance in terms of gender, organizational participation and cultural background will be taken under consideration by the sending organizations and the CYC. 


Deadline to apply is the 7th OCTOBER 2011

Application form to be emailed to:






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