giovedì 6 ottobre 2011

[casaleattiva] Imp!act - the Euforia Youth Summit @ Geneva, Switzerland

Nuova opportunità di training e seminari in Europa.
Sono rivolti a giovani ed adulti (che lavorano o intendono lavorare con giovani) e sono occasioni importanti di sviluppo personale, apprendimento, e possibilità di conoscere e stabilire relazioni con altri partecipanti da tutti Europa e creare propri progetti e partnership.
Il vitto e alloggio, e i costi del 70-80% del viaggio, solitamente sono rimborsati dalle Agenzie Nazionali organizzatrici.
Se sei interessato a partecipare e non fai parte di alcuna organizzazione, contatta!act - the euforia youth summit-

Training course  26-30 October 2011 | Geneva, Switzerland

imp!act 2011 : > 249 enthusiastic young people & YOU > 15 experts 30 organisations who will multiply your ideas and motivation! > 1 goal: get involved and/or launch own social & environmental project to imp!act our society!

imp!act is an euforia project. There are three programs/tracks in which you can participate at imp!act. You can only choose to participate in one, the programs are :

1. Launch your project : You really want to make a difference? In this intense 5-day program, you'll find a large variety of tools and advice to launch your own social/environmental project with the help of renowned project experts.
2. Become active : You want to get involved, but you don't really know how and where to start? Then this program will introduce you in just 48h to a multitude of concrete opportunities to trake up global challenges, putting you in contact with more than 30 organizations and projects.
3.Show up : Global challenges interest you and you'd like to learn a bit more about global issues, but you don't have that much time? A couple of hours to get informed or pass by quickly to see what euforia does? Then show up! and let us inspire you!

These three programs are designed for young people who want to get involved for the first time and youngsters (already involved in youth projects or not) who want to start their social/environmental project. Youth leaders and youth workers are also a target group of imp!act, in imp!act they would have the chance to learn more about :
- non-formal methods to empower young people and help them pass from project ideas to concrete projects
-different types of activities that they can implement in the future in their organisationsù
-meet experts and organisation that could help them in their organisation/project
-...and much more...!!

Don't hesitate to contact us at, we will get back to you with all the information you need!Application are opened until the 15th October so be fast...there are few spots available!!
Apply on our website and remember : FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED

Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organizers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

This Training course is for 250 participants from Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and recommended for
Youth workers, Young people, Youth leaders. Working language(s): english for the "Launch your project" program and passive knowledge of english in the "Get involved" program (activities in this program will be held also in german and french)

Organizer: euforia (NGO/Others)
euforia is an international NGO that since 2007 organizes various interactive and impacting events for youth, created and organized by other young people, in order to mobilize their untapped potential, by:
1. Presenting them concrete and existing opportunities of involvement
2. Offering an immediate support to their own projects
3. Creating links with other young people who'd like to involve themselves by their side
Thanks to our events, hundreds of young people were already motivated to become change makers, all by themselves.
For more information on our organization objectives, aims, philosophy please go to
Contact for questions: Alessia E-Mail: Phone: 0041774390732

A participation fee is required :
- 100 CHF for "Get Involved"
- 200 CHF for "Launch your project"
You may also ask for a scholarship if really needed.

What is included : - accomodation from the 26th or 28th to the 30th (depending on the program chosen)
- food during all the event (lunches, dinner and breaks)
- all transport costs from Austria, Italy, Germany and France to Geneva up to 70% (30% of the costs has to be covered by the participants). There is however a maximum amount that we will reimburse :
>for Austria : 175 euros
>for Italy : 160 euros
>for Germany : 120 euros
for France : 120 euros

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