Personal Responsibility for Global Sustainability
Training course 25 November - 1 December 2011 | Rome, Italy
This TC has been oriented to be a first step in Italy of a general strategy we are developing with partners on Education to Sustainable Development, focusing on the active role of young people (as working target group of the participants or directly as participants) in their local life. The concept is not based on environmentalist approach but comes back to fundamental education of individuals, in order to let them be more conscious on any aspect of their life (social relations, consumption, environment, etc..) . The French concept of "Decroissance" (de-development) have to be read as putting in value (more value) each everyday action, exploiting all its potential and not only part of it, as we are doing actually. Education, personal behaviors, so the fundamental elements of personal responsibility are the key for exploring new directions in the ones we have already opened.
The most actual concepts of globalization and development and their links to Human Rights will be summarized and discussed. Various approaches to global education will be presented:
- active methods deepened by theoretical background given
- practical examples of global education experienced by participants themselves
- ethic of global education (trainers self-reflection non personal responsibility, codex of images and messages concerning countries of global South)
Role of global education (why it shall be promoted, different aspects of educational work with youth, meaning of personal commitment and social movements) will be reflected. Digital version of all the methods used in the training will be given to participants to be used in their future work.
Through the training participants workers will:
- acquire knowledge about development issues and global interdependencies,
- be provided with tools and methods of global education,
- gain practical experience of global education through non-formal and informal methodology, reflection, sharing good practices, working and exchanging skills and knowledge in an international group
- get clear idea about role and importance of global education in field of youth work
- learn how to implement HR issues in future projects within Youth in Action Programme and plan future actions.
Available downloads: schedule of the training course-revised.pdf
Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organizers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.
Your kind of training? Apply now! Application deadline: 25 October 2011
This Training course is for 18 participants from Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Spain, Slovak Republic and recommended for Youth workers, Young people, Youth leaders, Project managers
Working language(s): English on communicative level
Cemea (Training Centres for Active Education Methods) were born in France in 1936 with the aim of developing democratic and participate behaviours. After the war Cemea spread all over the world. Today the Cemea movement is active in 29 European, African and American countries, co-ordinated by the International Federation with its headquarters in Paris, which since 1964 has the B status at the UNESCO and since 1972 a consultative status at the Council of Europe and at the European Youth Forum in Brussels. In Italy, the Cemea movement was born in 1950 and gathered in the Italian Federation of CEMEA in 1974. Cemea refers to active education: a kind of education that tends to free the human being, offering situations in which anyone - child, youngster, adult - can become conscious of the world around them, contributing to its evolution, in a perspective of individual and social development.
The CEMEA movement is characterised by: lay, independent, non confessional social commitment; international experience; «active education» methodology; open discussion around ideas and experiences.
CEMEA del Mezzogiorno supports a type of education by creating situations in which a child, teenager, or adult may become increasingly aware of the world that surrounds them and contribute to its development and change within a perspective of individual and social improvement.
Our main activities can be summed up in:
training stages for educators, teachers, animators;
artistic and cultural activities within social programs;
holidays and spare time centres;
workshops outside compulsory education;
publishing activities (bulletins, books, reviews
Contact for questions: Daniele Nubile Fax: +39 06 45493375 Website: E-Mail: Phone: +39 06 45492629
Costs 70% of travel costs will be reimbursed Food and accomodation are provided. The participant will cover 30% of travel cost and 35 of participation fee
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