Summary | How can we encourage the recognition of skills acquired through youth exchange and volunteering? |
Activity date | 2011-10-27 - 2011-10-28 |
Activity type | Other Conference |
Target group | Project managers, Trainers, Young people, Youth leaders, Youth Policy Makers, Youth workers |
Group size | 200 |
Venue place, venue country | Aarbergerstr. 3-5, Biel/Bienne, Switzerland |
Details | Further information and online application at How can we encourage the recognition of skills acquired through youth exchange and volunteering? Voluntary work gives young people confidence and a sense of responsibility, and also enables them to improve their social skills. Youth exchange programmes help young people become more open-minded and develop excellent intercultural skills. Not only young people, but also society in general consequently benefit from this. But how can we convince people of this? How can we raise awareness of the importance of skills acquired through youth work for employers and educational institutions? How can we raise young people's awareness of the importance of what they have learned? How can we make the benefits visible and communicable? You are invited to take part in a think tank in Biel to reflect on and explore key issues and to look for solutions and share your own experiences. The Open Space method to be employed as well as the highly diverse group of participants excepted guarantee that innovative and realistic ideas will be discussed and effective solutions found. The best projects will be implemented after the event. They will help make volunteering an attractive option for young people, and help remove any obstacles in their way of participating in youth exchange programmes. That's why we're inviting some 200 participants from Switzerland and Europe to participate in a novel, educational conference, which will take place in Biel on 27 and 28 October 2011 |
Costs | Participation fees: Regular participants CHF 150.- Members of INTERMUNDO and SAJV CHF 90.- Participants under 30 years of age CHF 60.- Participants from abroad EUR 60.- Travel and accommodation: " If you are coming from Switzerland and are under the age of 30, we will reimburse your travel to and from the event by public transport (based on half-fare ticket) and one night's accommodation ( or similar rate). " If you are coming from abroad and are under the age of 30, we have a small budget available to provide assistance with travel expenses and accommodation. Please contact us for more details. Deadline: 31 August 2011 |
Working language | English, French, German |
Organizer | Intermundo, SAJV |
Organizer's profile/framework of activity | INTERMUNDO is the umbrella organization of Swiss youth exchange non-profit association founded in 1987. It is a politically and religiously independent, currently comprising 10 members. It is a national center for coordination and guidance in Bern. Its Secretariat is dependent on a board of volunteers, certified by ISO 9001:2008 SAJV-The Swiss National Youth Council SNYC is the umbrella organization of youth organizations in Switzerland. mission is to generate possibilities for young people to participate in society as a whole and to develop into socially conscious, active citizens. |
Deadline | 2011-10-14 |
Date of selection | 2011-10-17 |
Downloads |
Application to
Further information and online application at | |
Intermundo, SAJV Daniela Haelg Gerechtigkeitsgasse 12 Postfach CH-3000 Bern 8 Phone: +41 (0) 31 326 29 23 Fax: +41 (0)31 326 29 20 E-mail: Website: |
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